
Yaacov Apelbaum

Eric Leaks

There are a number of images circulating online that incorrectly identify various individuals as the Ukraine call leaker Eric Ciaramella. If you are interested in Ciaramella’s photo, you can find it in Mechanics of Deception (in on of the links) or at the bottom of this post.

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Yaacov Apelbaum

Turkey’s 1914 Worldwide Jihad

To all of you post-modernists and intelligentsia who still think that the current Turkish or other calls for jihad only apply to ‘radicalized extremist’, think again.

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Yaacov Apelbaum

The Maginot Line of Cyber Security

A fortress is an intuitive analogy for the enterprise but it is an overly hyped and misleading one. Beyond a few shared objectives such as parameter security, surveillance, and physical access to a facility, cyber security has little in common with traditional military fortifications.

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