
Yaacov Apelbaum

Is You is or is You Ain’t Ilhan Omar?

I’ve been asked by a number of people if the images seen in the video of the October 11 Minnesota riots that took place during President Trump’s rally show Ilhan Omar, Tim Mynett, and Isra Hirsi.

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Yaacov Apelbaum

Our Multi-Tiered Justice System

Balanced scales and unsheathed sword
You must judge fairly regardless of might,
Fairly apply justice in the eyes of the Lord
Penalty must be blind to privilege or right.

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Yaacov Apelbaum

Toxic Masculinity My Foot!

According to a UN Women rights report, a staggering 60%-70% of all married Palestinian women experience regular physical and physiological violence and abuse. What kind of hellhole society is this?

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Yaacov Apelbaum

The Salafi Style Guide

The majority media and academic coverage of the jihadi movement is often focused on polemic vs. apologetic arguments regarding the interpretation of Quranic verses. Ever since 9/11, when the word jihad has become a household word in the US and Europe. One major point of debate among the pundits is the practical characterization of the Salafi movement and how it differs from other Sunni streams.

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