
Yaacov Apelbaum

The Great Password Storage Survey

The evidence suggests that the widespread practice of users writing down passwords and keeping them in unsecured locations is a natural response to unrealistic security mandates. Users in general are concerned with productivity and view passwords and their management as unproductive and wasteful activity.

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Yaacov Apelbaum

Literary Devices in the Book of Isaiah

Many of the book’s passages such 9:5-6 form the foundation of the messianic movements and eschatological theology in Judaism and Christianity. For many years, I had been reading the book contextually, but have just recently started parsing it for structure. Here are a few interesting stylistic and literary devices.

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Yaacov Apelbaum

The Jihad News Network

Surprisingly, jihadi news outlets which claim to operate independently from each other and autonomously from a global umbrella organization, exhibited only a modest learning curve. The professional quality of their news productions is indistinguishable from that of most Middle Eastern mainstream print and broadcast channels such as Al-Jazeera.

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