
Yaacov Apelbaum

The Extortion-17 Memorial

This memorial is dedicated to the men of Extortion 17 who on 6 August 2011, lost their lives on a mission in Wardak provence, west of Kabul

…they were swifter than eagles, they were stronger than lions.

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Yaacov Apelbaum

So How Tall is the Staff of Ra?

We were going over some Indiana Jones trivia during dinner recently and one of the questions that came up had to do with an item that appeared in the Raiders of the Lost Ark called the “Head of the Staff of Ra”. The discussion must have triggered some long lost memory in my brain because I suddenly remembered that object—which ithe s a sort of a medallion—had an inscription on it.

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Yaacov Apelbaum

The Mystery of US sUAS Airspace

If you feel like you are in thick fog and are are struggling to decipher the mysteries of the FAA Airspace guidelines and how they apply to UAS operations. Here is some help.

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Yaacov Apelbaum

Poor Little Bobby Tables

The problem is that Mrs. Roberts only tells the school representative about the data sanitation issue. The far bigger problem here is that the school DBA only seem to back up their DB once a year!

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Yaacov Apelbaum

Good day to you!

A few days ago, I got a phising email. I usually delete these emails promptly, but this one had an interesting component to it: it came with a password protected MS Word document. This is somewhat unusual because they typically expect you to just launch the attachment and activate the payload immediately.

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