
Yaacov Apelbaum

The AI Raven

In the exclusive club where the DC swamp meets, an AI Raven above their door seats. To the defaming fact-checkers and truth-wreckers, the Raven replies: “The Bidens are corrupt and ought to be stopped.”

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Yaacov Apelbaum

The Russians Made me Do It

I have looked high and low, but it seems that none of the guardians of virtue have anything to say about the dirty deeds of the smartest guy Joe knows…

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Yaacov Apelbaum

Our New Tammany Hall Bosses

Apparently the Biden’s Tammany Hall magic was quite powerful and Ho managed to win the court room lottery. He was sentenced to three years, a far lighter sentence than the 10-20 year term under the sentencing guidelines.

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