The Russians Made me Do It

The Russians made me do it

Despite Hunter Biden’s exploitation of women—some of whom were VERY young—his acts which included solicitation for prostitution, trafficking, revenge porn, unsafe handgun storage, speeding (172 MPH), and possession/distribution of cocaine, haven’t resulted in any persecution. This uncommonly good fortune could be attributed to Hunter having been dipped in the river Styx followed by successive Teflon immersions. The cumulative effects of this being that the DOJ and various state DAs consistently failed to bring charges against him and likely suppressed multiple evidence of additional criminal conduct.

Pursche 911
Image 1:
The gangsta speed king of the public highways. Hunter doing 172 MPH in his Porsche 911 Turbo S

Why Not Have Owasco Pay For The Porsche




Document 1: The tricks of the trade. How a Philosopher King pays for his $200K Porsche

The Mystery of the Missing Fingerprint
On October 20th, 2016, Hunter flew to Los Angeles and spent a week in a hotel in Marina del Rey, where he stocked-up on crack cocaine. On the morning of October 26th, he arrived at the Hertz rental office at LAX, got a car, and proceeded to drive to Arizona, final destination, Grace Grove Retreat Center. Several hours into the trip, while driving possibly under the influence east on Interstate 10, just beyond Palm Springs, he lost control of the car, jumped the median and crashed on the shoulder. He called Hertz and got them to collect the damaged vehicle and replace it with another, a silver Jeep Compass.

Hertz Rental
Image 2:
Hunter’s car rental

Arriving late, on October 28th, at about 10 PM, Hunter dropped-off the Jeep at the airport Hertz office in Prescott, Arizona. Due to the late hour, there was no one at the rental office to check him out, so, he parked the car at an empty spot, placed the car key under the fuel cap, and took a service bus to the retreat. In the morning, he realized that he left a some ‘sensitive’ items in the car and using the made-up name “Joseph McGee”, called-in the rental office to retrieve his valuables. Unbeknown to the Mr. McGee (the song “Me And Bobby McGee” is in his iTunes and a playlist), two Hertz employees named Zachary and Emily already processed the car and found his drug paraphernalia and the stash. They also checked him out on the internet using his driver license and found out that he was a real blue-blooded Princelings.

Following the company SOP on reporting contraband, Jennifer, the Hertz branch manager, not realizing the storm she was about to unleash (she was laid-off several months later despite a staller 14 years of service with the company), contacted the Prescott PD and told them about the problematic VIP customer.

The PD promptly sent a patrol car and detectives to investigate. The visit resulted in the filing of a “narcotics offense” report and the collection of evidence from the crime scene, some of the retrieved items included:

  1. A plastic baggie with crack
  2. An iPhone
  3. A crack pipe with cocaine residue
  4. A Secret Service business card with Hunter’s name
  5. Number of credit cards with Hunter’s name
  6. 2 DC driver licenses with hunters name
  7. Beau Biden’s official attorney-general badge

Hunter Biden Police Report

Document 2: The Prescott, Arizona PD Hunter Biden report

The Game is Afoot
Leaving his sanative items behind suggest that Hunter could have been under the influence when he dropped-off the car, but, using a fake identity the following day to try and retrieve them shows criminal intent. According to the police report, the case was classified as top priority and the FBI immediately dispatched agents to the site and actively “worked the scene”. The Secret Service was also mobilized and its agents were able to locate Hunter quickly and inform the Prescott police that all was well and that they didn’t have to worry about him.

Despite the SS assurance that all was well, there was still that pesky problem of the police retrieving significant amount of contraband form Hunter’s car and that all of it was linked directly to him via the rental agreement, and the two driver licenses. For the sake of brevity I’m completely ignoring the fact that he was illegally carrying his deceased brother’s DA badge.

Shauna Stangl
Image 3:
Shauna Stangl, the President and Owner of Grace Grove Retreat Center who housed Hunter and aided and abetted him in hiding his true identity from the Prescott Police

To complicate matters, the lab tests ordered by the police detectives came back positive, indicating that the glass pipe contained cocaine residue. At that point it should have been an open-and-shut case. The only thing left to do (would happen to the average Joe schmoe), was to invite Hunter to the station for a friendly chat and get him to confess. But, Hunter just like his cousin Caroline, summoned the dark arts. and low and behold, In an act of Deus ex machina, the forensic lab failed to find any fingerprints on the pipe and missed the little bag with the white powder. Naturally, the DA declined to bring criminal charges and the case against Hunter evaporated.

On 02/15/2016, almost four month later, there were still lingering coordination whispers between Hunter and the Prescott PD (with Sargent Small and detective Bernard), but the case was now closed. For some unknown reasons, it never occurred to anyone in the AZ LEA or the DA to ask Hunter about why he was in possession of >10 grams of cocaine (class 2 felony punishable by 3-10 years)? If he was under the influence of drugs while driving? And why he and his spiritual guru ‘Puma St. Angel’ obstructed the police investigation? The detectives and FBI agents also never bothered to locate “Joseph McGee” and follow-up with Puma, who politely but firmly told the Prescott police that she wasn’t going to talk to them anymore.

Hunter's Crack Pipe
Image 4:
Hunter smoking his crack pipe and leaving plenty of finger prints on it. In Arizona,  cocaine possession is a 4 felony. The presumptive prison term for a class 4 felony is 2.5 years, and the aggravated term is three years and nine months.

The failure to find fingerprints on the pipe is puzzling because Hunter wasn’t even fingerprinted or asked to give a written statement. There was also the issue of his finger prints on the bag of cocaine. Clearly, the failure to complete the investigation wasn’t due to lack of leads. It’s clear from the report that the police successfully traced the source of the call of the mysterious “Joseph McGee” to Hunter Biden and identified him as the primary POI.

The chain of custody of the crime scene evidence suggests that the items were mishandled by the FBI  team who ‘supervised’ the investigation. It’s also clear from at least one conversation that the crack pipe was wiped clean by the FBI prior to sending it to the lab. This bleaching operation, though, a bit amateurish, shows fiendish raw talent and villainous creativity. It seems that the DOJ has come a long way since the Chappaquiddick incident. Back then, they only fiddled with Edward Kennedy’s (the 1972 democratic presidential hopeful) DMV records to make it “unblemished” (1). Now, they’ve upgraded their repertoire and were offering favorable political candidates a much wider-range of of services like crime scene re-decoration and active interference with criminal investigations.

This pattern of crime and no punishment can only be explained by the fact that Hunter is a life long member of some VIP protection club. In several other cases, the Delaware and Philadelphia PDs and DAs also had firsthand knowledge of Hunter’s criminal activity, but made a political decision to ignore it. Just like in the Prescott PD case, we have records of communications between Hunter and various detectives like: Reynolds, Garland, Breit, Jubb, Catov, Miller, Litchendorf, and other state and federal agents on how to make the various issues ‘go away’.

LEA Knows
Image 5:
“My dad may run for President and if you think this shit is going to fly?!?!” Ashley Biden indicating that Joe and Jill Biden knew about Hunter’s and Hallie’s extensive drug purchase/use activity and that LEA is monitoring them.

It’s not entirely surprising, but it is somewhat alarming how vast the Biden influence network is. Since the evidence from Hunter’s laptop has been made public, legions of prominent individuals in the fashion of a locust swarm which obscure the sun, are working overtime to spike the story and discredit the evidence against the Bidens.

Gardiner Harris NYT
Image 6:
Summoning an apple polisher to lick the Biden boots. For a good time and favorable propaganda, call Gardiner Harris. Harris is one of a legions of reporters specifically assigned to ‘take care’ of the Biden PR needs.

All of this is quite an achievement for the DOJ and IC and a feat worthy of some sort of a medal. Especially, if we consider the whole Steele Dossier affair and the treatment that Carter Page received from people like Brennan, Comey, Strzok, and Clinesmith. Mind you, in those cases, unlike the hours of high-res footage and audio showing Hunter In flagrante delicto, they had to ‘manufacture’ the evidence for the alleged crimes by resorting to 19 century Dreyfus affair style back-alley forgeries and secret courts.

Show Me The Crime
So, riddle me this, members of the IC and O masters of investigative journalism: which content on the laptop is fake? And how exactly is this a Russian disinformation operation? The evaluation of the massive contents of Hunter’s laptop successfully matched and identified the women that were involved in his illegal sex and drug acts, it located his drug dealers and his pimps, it confirmed his exact whereabouts during these encounters using biometric markers such as voice and face recognition, It confirmed his activity via his use of IM, video, audio, and imagery, it identified his banking activity as well as the ‘non-traceable’ payment methods and his complete CDR. It also tracked his IP addresses and MAC address, and the burner phones he used to evade detection.

All this was done with match rates in excess of 90% accuracy (which is more than LEA and intelligence operations require) and with precision that far exceeds that of typical police forensics in a serious crime. In fact, no one knows the fine details of Hunter’s appearance and anatomy including clothing, jewelry, body geometry, scars, beauty marks, and vein location quite as well as the AI used in the analysis. So please enlighten us: which of the images or documents on his laptop are Russian forgeries? Which of the people are synthetic and don’t’ exist?  Which phone call, text, or email is made-up? And how in the world did the Russians force Hunter to drop-off his laptop at the repair shop and abandon it there?

Et tu, Me Too Movement?
What ever happened to “You are not alone! We see you, we hear you…we’re here too!“ voices?

Is it jus my impression, or did the Me Too movement and other women rights and the progressive voices in the media have suddenly gone silent about the wholesale exploitation of women by Hunter?

I have looked high and low, but it seems that none of the guardians of virtue have anything to say about the dirty deeds of the smartest guy Joe knows. Au contraire, they are lining up the streets with choruses of admirers extolling Hunter’s novus homo virtues. Vanity Fair and the NYT are stumbling over each other with fawning adoration proclaiming that Hunter is a ‘fine artist’ and are promoting his upcoming gallery debut. In his little NYT propaganda featurette about the freshly laundered Hunter, Adam Popescu provides endless flowery descriptions of his fine art techniques. This included fruity passages like:

“His process with alcohol ink — it can take 14 layers for the material to adhere — includes blowing it with a metal straw. “You have to be really focused in order to be able to alter it to your own imagination,”

So, there you have it, Hunter spends hours blowing alcohol on paper through a straw. But, despite all of the evidence in the public domain, this is the only worthy Biden news that the NYT could come up with. What is ostensibly missing from Popescu’s puff piece are real questions like: ‘why did you engage in revenge porn against your sister-in-law?’ or ‘is it true that you were sexually inappropriate with an underage family member?’ Ironically, this is the same Popescu who in 2017, wrote a piece titled “Does Watching Porn Lead To Prostitution?”, in it, he sheds many crocodile tears about the sexual exploitation of women and sadly concludes that:

“A 2003 study published by the Journal of Trauma Practice interviewed 854 prostituted women across 9 countries, and found that 47% reported that they were upset by customers trying to make them perform what the customer had seen in porn. In the US, 41% claimed they were forced to perform acts against their will, acts their tormentors viewed in porn, and were attempting to emulate. About half were then forced to have that degradation filmed, echoing Grillo’s experience.”

Smoking Crack
Image 7
: A sampling of Hunter sex binges soliciting prostitution and supplying his VERY young female companions with crack and encouraging them to smoke it. One of these partners was a family member

Hunter was furnishing and pressuring women to smoke crack and engage in sex acts that would make Spritzer, Wiener, and Epstein blush. With the release of the Hunter laptop materials, the media and the intelligentsia finally have all the proof they need to do their constitutionally protected job. Yet, despite all of this, not a peep from the righteous multitudes who just recently were falling on their moral swords during the Cavanaugh and Barrett confirmation hearings.

Can You Please Call Me Its A Emergency

Document 3: I would like to come over and…


References and Sourcing

XRVision Sentinel AI Platform – Face recognition, image reconstruction, and object classification

The ‘chore boy’ referenced in document 1 is likely a reference to a crack pipe

(1) Edward Kennedy’s Unblemished Driving Record
Edward’s “unblemished” driving history which entitled him to a suspended sentence was based on the manipulation of his DMV records by the DA/DOJ. The report delivered to the court in preparation for sentencing showed no prior tickets. Edwards records was far form unblemished. In 1956–1959, while attending the University of Virginia School of Law, he had compiled a record of reckless driving and driving without a license. In one incident on March 14, 1958, Kennedy ran a red light, then cut his tail lights and raced to avoid a highway patrol officer. After he was caught, he was cited for reckless driving, racing to avoid pursuit, and driving without a license.

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50 former intelligence officials signed a Public Statement about the Hunter Biden laptop
50 former intelligence officials warn NY Post story sounds like Russian disinformation – The Hill
Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say – Politico

Copyright 2020 Yaacov Apelbaum, All Rights Reserved.

40 thoughts on “The Russians Made me Do It

  1. they went after bannon, who was the conduit for jimmy lal and miles gu, in late august, then the treasury dropped a line on derkach, a few weeks later, well we see a similar dynamic with netanyahu, and mandelbrit, yiddish for mueller,

  2. The Pol Pot marxy radicals from Ivy Leagues are hell bent upon fratricide, even according to the high school histories book. The more decrepit details exposed, the more emboldened they grow.
    Mebe you have a photo of DOJ Hunter helping a blind girl >18 yr old crossing the street?

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